首页 > 奖学金 > 休利特基金会/国际教育协会2012论文奖学金


Dissertation Fellowship in the field of economics, geography, population studies, and epidemiology for the applicants at  The Institute of International Education,  2012

Study Subject(s):Population, Reproductive Health, and Economic Development
Course Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Sub-Saharan Africa, the United States or Canada

Applicants should be currently enrolled in Ph.D. programs in either sub-Saharan Africa, the United States or Canada, and should have completed their coursework by the start of the fellowship. Students in economics, geography, population studies, and epidemiology are especially encouraged to apply.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Description: The objective of The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation/IIE Dissertation Fellowship is to produce sound evidence on the role of population and reproductive health in economic development that could be incorporated into national and international economic planning and decision making. These fellowships will support dissertation research on topics that examine how population dynamics, family planning, and reproductive health influence economic development, including economic growth, poverty reduction, and equity.

How to Apply: Electronically and by Post

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 5, 2012